On start-up, all user screens default to the Health & Safety (H&S) dashboard section of the Leviosa project management portal, stressing the highest level of importance the business places on stakeholder health, safety and welfare. The dashboard displays the pre-agreed H&S contract specific Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) in a live, real-time manner. Users can also select to view any number of real-time KPI dashboards, including Contract, Quality and Environmental performance.

Leviosa QHSE Image

The Leviosa project portal provides a central hub for full Health & Safety Risk management for complex product manufacture and includes functionality such as;

  • Add Health & Safety Audit
  • Add Fire Safety Audit
  • Safety Share & Toolbox Talks
  • Risk Register and Risk Assessments
  • Add Incident (Accident) & Add First Aid Audit
  • COSHH & MSDS Records

The project management portal displays rolling Minor and Major injury days automatically driven from incident reporting. Incidents can be categorised by location, by operation/department and by injury type and recorded as non-reportable or reportable (RIDDOR) event. Real-time project dashboard intelligence on incidents ensures trends, issues or training requirements are easy to understand and hence action. Importantly the system provides full transparency (drill-down information) to ensure people act and operate in a safe, informed manner. Similar benefits are delivered on Contract performance, Quality and Environmental areas of the project.

H&S Document Share

The Leviosa project management portal provides full document and revision management to ensure users access the latest issue information.

The portal is the communication vehicle that our clients use to permit controlled viewing and efficient report generation, including Risk Management documentation.

Tool box talks Leviosa

Safety share leviosa

All documents can be managed and attached to appropriate records for full traceability. This includes Safety Shares and Toolbox talks as well as evidence of such occurrence.

Real Time Walking Patrol Updates

risk management Leviosa

In addition to scheduled Health & Safety department audits, facility-wide walking patrol audits are also managed by the Leviosa project management portal. This includes continuous improvement actions (Corrective and Preventative) as well as product Non-Conformance's (NCR’s) and client feedback/observations (complaints and praise).

These audits help to ensure all operations are carried out in accordance with company and client-specific site rules and relevant legislation in addition to current best available practice. They also reduce risk of incorrect data input and/or improve the flow of communication within the project team with automate business system data-entry via a user tablet or smart phone. The user interface for the walking patrol checklist, can also be adapted to reflect best practice ‘observational issues’ applicable in the Nuclear sector and/or area of business.

Project observations are recorded during walking patrol and/or job specific audits, with importance and urgency ratings assigned. These ratings define an “Action Severity” rating. Risks are managed through the magnitude of the Severity Rating. After a predetermined period, if Risks and/or Actions are not addressed, the system will prompt the user/manager to escalate the issue to a predefined “next level” circulation group.

The Leviosa project management portal also allows the same walking-patrol corrective and preventative actions to be recorded for Fire Safety and First Aid areas.